Air Gu Zheng(古筝)
for: Who What Data Wear
year: 2022
Project Manifesto:
Design is Art and Art is Life.
Design is the intersection of tradition, culture, and technology. By intertwining these elements, we generate ideas and concepts that mutually inspire one another. The future tool is technology, yet our identity is rooted in tradition and culture. To forge new traditions and culture, we must amalgamate these facets, crafting fresh stories, myths, and legends.
Tools must be accessible, adaptable, and continually evolving, igniting creativity, curiosity, and a youthful spirit. With such tools, anyone can become a designer and creator, producing art, experiences, and music.

Project Statement:
Air Gu Zheng is a sensor-equipped glove prototype that accurately captures and translates hand and finger movements into digital data. This versatile tool can serve multiple purposes and evolves into a musical instrument through technological innovation. The prototype focuses specifically on exploring the hand movement known as 摇指(yáo zhǐ).

Detail Shot
